Central MA Transportation

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Shared Space

I've added a downloads section. The first download link, "Shared Space" is a newsletter. It may be a bit difficult to navigate unless you print it out, doublesided and fold it up correctly. I expect the idea of making roads "more dangerous" to make them safer will sound ludicrous to most, but once you accept the principal of risk homeostatis it makes perfect sense.
The minimalist apprroach to road design, removing stop signs, crosswalks, and signals together with reducing sidewalk height is making roads safer in many European cities and even a few here in North America.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

I warned you.

Note that if it's in italics it's my commentary.

Hey, it my blog that's why I created it.


Public Safety Committee Meeting NOTE:Petitions are listed in the order they appeared on the written agenda. It is common to address petitions like 338-05 out of order to allow petitioners, supporters and opponents to leave early.

This is the first PS committee meeting for DiMartino and DeSalvatore, and the first for Donelly as a member. The meeting opened at approximately 07:00 PM

In addition to the members of the committee councilors Tran, Hay and Boisvert are present. I believe Clark and Conry arrived later. Officer McNamara from the PD traffic division is present to assist with explainations of their reports.

Also present were John Massiarelli and Paul Gauvin - presumably to support 338-05 for electrified signs on Water St.

Former Councilor Maynard arrived around 7:30 (presumably to address petitions he has pending)

Kaddy addressed the committee and attendees regarding how he plans to run the meetings. Kaddy mentioned that the absense of cameras allows them to operate differently. Make what you will of that but I prefere the format because I can raise my hand and point out incorrect statements made by councilors or the "experts". This is way better than the public forum at the council meetings where the 2 minute limit applies, unless of course your someone special like Mark Straight.

Councilor Kaddy indicated he plans to hold off on 4 way stops for this year. He also plans to renew his 4 way efforts next year and that Fitchburg will get 4 ways stops.

Kaddy brought up the shooting on Blossom St. and plans to devote a meeting to address staffing of police department. Kaddy wants to have the next PS meeting strictly on the issue of police staffing.

The petitions.

Petition 29-04 Counc. Joel Kaddy, to include the following wording to the Code of the City of Fitchburg Ch. 169, Sec. 58 under B grouping, “#9) Within five feet of a driveway or alley of another.”

Kaddy explained that 29-04 is intended to address the question. Why can't property owners park in front of their own driveway?

Kaddy want them to pass tonight but he'll agree to withdraw it if the police chief who previously opposed this no longer opposes it. (Was previously recommended against by officer Burns. McNamara would have no problem with it if after talking to the chief finds he has no issue with it)

Outcome Held in committee.

Petition 227-04. Counc. Joel Kaddy, to install multi stop signs on Ellis and Milk Streets on a permanent

Outcome Leave to withdraw. requested by Kaddy see Kaddy's opening remarks

Petition 253-04 William Hubbard, Clinton St. resident, to expand the “Resident Only” parking ordinance to include Clinton St.

This is councilor Hay's ward and he wants to hold it in committee because the petitioner is not present and he wants to explore the needs of the residents.

Outcome Held in Committee.

Petition 288-04 Ms. Anna Chrost, to remove resident sticker signs on odd side of Pacific St. Replace with No Parking signs previously there.

McNamara explained how the problem was created. Problem should be addressed by allowing resident parking on one side and no parking on the other. Recommended that it pass

Outcome Granted

Petition 4-05 Counc. Joel Kaddy, to create a truck exclusion on Franklin Rd. from Depot St. to Fifth Mass. Tpke.

Outcome Granted - This petition has come up repeatedly. To be legal, (enforceable) a request for a truck exclusion must first be made to MassHwy. If approved the city must then publish the notice in the paper of record (That'd be the S&E). Then and only then can the signs be installed. I've pointed out these requirements repeatedly and have provided copies of the pertinent MGL to several councilors. Kaddy indicated that proper procedure will be followed but IMNSHO the petition should have been ammended to be a request to MassHwy. The petition appeared on the City Council agenda with no indication of any amendment.

Petition 169-05 Counc. Jody Joseph & Ms. Lois Lucas, to investigate potential ways to improve the safety of and reduce the speed at the intersection of South St. and Whalon St.

Outcome Approved - Police to investigate improving enforcement.

Petition 205-05 Counc. Joel Kaddy and Peter Bovenzi, to install stop sign on View St. at Prospect St.

In a previous PS committee meeting Officer Burns report on this petition indicated that a stop is not required at a T and that there are sufficient sight lines such that one is not needed. Kaddy and Hay supported the sign because drivers have to stop at a T anyways. Councilor DiNatale questioned their statements because it differed with Officer Burns report. I spoke up and indicated that Officer Burns statement that a stop is not required is correct. At that meeting the petition was held in committee.

At this meeting Officer McNamara rejected the petition with the explanation that you have to stop at a T anyways so it's not needed. That's when I pulled up Chapter 4 of the Driving manual and read it to them. Officer McNamara confirmed in his copy of the manual. Kaddy read some additional text from the manual but it wasn't relevant to the issue. Guess he had to have the last word.

Outcome held in committee It's going to be hard to make this petition go away. I recall that at a previous meeting it it was stated that Peter Bovenzi already paid for some kind of traffic study here and his kid goes to Applewild School which is on the corner there. Still there's a good sightline to the left so right turning traffic should have no problem and the absence of a stop sign does not keep left turners that can't see over the shrubs of the house on the right from stopping if needed.

Petition 224-05 Counc. Jody Joseph & Mr. Peter Lukutis, to post speed limit signs on Connors St.

Officer McNamara gave officer Burns report. The speed trailer while there showed the 85th percentile is 30 - the maximum speed measured was 48 and the average is 25. The suggestion is the petition be given leave to withdraw.

Outcome Leave to withdraw. Shame on Jody Joseph for co-sponsoring this petition. He knows full well from past discussion that the city has no authority to post speed limits without a special speed regulation from MassHwy. Thankfully it didn't pass.

Petition 225-05 Counc. Kevin Maynard, to allow parking on the west sides of Middle St. from Third St. to Cetrino Blvd.

Officer McNamara has photos and Officer Burn's report - he's sympathetic but it's the responsibility of the management of the facility and the on street parking creates issues of public safety - access for emergency vehicles.
Former councilor Maynard - stated that the development has 150 units and only 73 spaces. This number, 73 is the number the management claims they are required to provide. No record in the registry of deeds. Wants the city council to check if the landlord is complying with the terms of their building authorization including any variance for parking requirements. If not compliant make them comply - also make the issue obvious by ensuring proper signage is up and enforcing the parking regulations.

As I see it the only issue is if the city code prohibits parking on Middle Street. It does under Chapter 169-24 Ord. No. 54-74 no parking is allowed at any time on the west side of middle street from First St to Fourth St. However, it can't be enforced if the signs are not posted and it does not appear that the signs are posted. I believe there is another ordinace that prohibits parking in a manor that prevents emergency vehicles from passing. Could it be vehicles are being ticketed under this other ordinance. This may warrant additional investigation and possible passage of an ordinance prohibititing parking on the east side as well as getting the DPW to install the missing signs (no petition should be required for that.

Outcome Leave to withdraw I never much cared for councilor Maynard. He always seemed cold and often unaware of what was going on. He seemed that way at the meeting. Still I felt he was poorly treated by the committee. There is a problem here and it hasn't been properly addressed.

Petition 257-05 Counc. Stephan Hay & Ms. Betty Armstrong, to make Lincoln St. between Pearl St. and Holman St. a “No Parking” zone.
Report: Office Burns polled the residents - and recommended against the petition. Changed petition to no parking 8 AM to 5 PM M-F -

Outcome petition approved as ammended.

Petition 278-05 Counc. Jody Joseph and Gary Fountain, 23 Bridle Cross Rd., to place a stop sign at the end of Mt. Elam Rd. and Mass. Turnpike.

Outcome Leave to withdraw

Petition 284-05 Counc. Stephan Hay & Residents of 147-179 Townsend St., to close off Townsend St. at the intersection of John Fitch Hwy. and Townsend St. on the northerly side and make Townsend St. from 147-179 two-way.
Hay spoke on the issue - petition has been amended as suggested by traffic division of police department to have the dpw build out the intersection to force traffic to slow when entering townsend street from John Fitch Hwy. This is called a traffic choker.

Outcome Amended petition was passed.

Petition 290-05 Counc. Kevin Maynard and Counc. Stephen DiNatale, to institute Crime Watch Program for Washington St. area.

Connelly suggests changing the wording from Crime Watch to a Neighborhood Watch. Councilor DiNatale states that the residents just want to have someone from the city to listen to their greviences.

Outcome Given leave to withdraw - motion by Dimartino second by Donnelly - (Councilor Clark will have to pick up the ball - get police involved - have some kind of ward meeting.)

Petition 292-05 Counc. Kevin Maynard, to place Stop Sign at end of Ellis Street at Walton Street.

OutcomeLeave to withdraw I drove through this intersection today - great sightline to the right, adequate sightline to the left such that a stop is not required.

Petition 293-05 Counc. Kevin P. Maynard, to place a stop sign at end of Seneca Street at Milk Street.

Councilor Maynard requested leave to withdraw because the sign had already been reinstalled. This is confusing because the city code does not have a atop at Senaca and Milk. The sign was not there 3 weeks ago and it isn't there today. It does bring up the point however that it shouldnt require a petition to the PS or PW committee to get a missing sign installed. Replacement of missing, worn or damaged signs should be covered in the budget Mr Munier submits for DPW.

Outcome Leave to withdraw

Petition 338-05 Counc. Stephen DiNatale, Counc. Kevin Maynard, Mr. John Masciarelli, Mr. Paul Gauvin, Rev. H. Edward Chalmers to construct electrified cautionary signage at 278
Water St. and 243 Water St.

This petition was taken out of order - Kaddy read a letter from a priest at St Bernards.
Paul Gauvin spoke regarding the difficulty his student have crossing Water St.
John Masciarelli - introduced all the proponents - John claims a similar petition was submitted approx 15 years ago and apparently died at that time - doesn't know what actually happened to it.
John claims that the average speeds at this location is now approaching 45 to 55 miles per hour. Mr. Munier, DPW director, told John the electric connections are there underground though cemented over.
Much discussion about this issue. Some of the information from the PD traffic division including the option of getting the traffic trailer out and using it to do some traffic study. There was some discussion about the up coming reconfiguration of the Central Plaza.

Outcome Petition to be held in committee. Supporters left early.

Petition 357-05 Counc. Stephan Hay, to investigate ways to alleviate parking and traffic issues on Arn-How Farm Rd. during events at Fitchburg High School.

Petition 362-05 Counc. Stephan Hay, to establish “No Parking” area on the north side of Arn-How Farm Road from Ashby State Road to the intersection of Billings Road.

Both petitions were discussed and it was determined that they should be sent to Glenn Fossa and Mike Spano in the Office of Emergency Preparedness.

OutcomeI believe these remain in committee awaiting recommendation from emergency preparadness.

Petition 363-05 Counc. Jody Joseph and Mrs. Jennie Haggerty, to place a stop sign on the corner of Brittany Lane.

Outcome Leave to withdraw This is the petition that caused all the fuss. At the council meeting councilor Kaddy stated that there is a bend in the road at that location. I drove this intersection this morning and Kaddy's correct, but the bend in the road improves the sightline for drivers on Brittany Lane. The sightline to the right is not as good as it could be and will probably be reduced in spring and summer due to the shrubs in the yard at the house to the right. Sight lines in both directions is sufficient that a stop is not required, so neither is the sign. Shame on Jody Joseph and shame on the 6 councilors that played politics and switched their position.

Petition 20-06 Counc. Ted E. DeSalvatore and Mr. Brian Belliveau, to change the present traffic control of the intersection of Pearl St. and North St. from a two way stop to a four way stop.

Officer McNamarra. Checked special speed regulations and checked with campus police - also checked speed trailer results. Speed is 25 trailer showed 27 on one investigation and 29 on another. Discussed the number of traffic citations for failing to stop on North. On the order of 260 last year and about 86 from January 1 2006 till sometime in Feb. Conclusion is tthat he issue is failure to stop. Police recommend continued enforcement.
Brian Beleview one of the petitioners also spoke about the intersection.

Outcome Held in Committee Councilor DeSalvatore and DeNatale, the only members of the PS committee with published e-mail addresses both got e-mail from me late the night before the meeting. The late e-mail was due to the fact that councilor Kaddy filed the agenda at the last minute and Dave Streb the city's web-master couldn't get the minutes posted till sometime the day before the meeting. The mail I sent them had copies of the MGL relating to stop signs, and speed limits as well as an explanation why none of the 7 petitions should be passed. Councilor Desalvatore was unable to open the attached files for the MGL - my bad - I prefer macs and sent .cwk files. Hard copies were provided at the meeting.

Petition 21-06 Counc. Jody Joseph and Ms. Rose Bisol, to install an “Entering Leominster/Fitchburg” sign on Abbott Ave.

Outcome Approved - no discussion. This was the last petition addressed. I suspect that after 3 hours they wanted to get this out of the way quickly. The speedy passage annoyed me because I had two question regarding the petition.
  • Why was it considered an issue for Public Safety?
  • Who's budget will fund it?
I did raise my hand but the motion, second and vote took place in all of 15 seconds. Oh well.

The meeting adjourned about 10 PM

Seeing Red

By now I think we can all acknowledge that the stop sign fiasco wasn't about public safety. It's about politics and if you don't believe me then you can take it from the horses mouth, councilor Joel Kaddy himself. This quote of councilor Kaddy from todays S&E, "If we come up with some criteria, we can leave the politics out of it."

Why did Jody Joseph not accept the PS committee's recommendation? It's a constituent service. It's bringing home the bacon. It's how politicians buy votes with our tax dollars. It's how Mylott, Mazzarella, Goguen, Antonioni, Olver, and virtually all politicians keep their jobs. It's why incumbency is so strong.

Check back later today for a full report on the 16 Feb PS committee meeting. It'll be informative for some, boring for others, but since the S&E seems to think it's front page news you deserve an unbiased report.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Why the stop sign petition was a big deal.

I try to attend the public safety committee meetings whenever I can. At the meeting on 2/16 councilor Kaddy and Officer MacNamara incorrectly stated the rules of the road regarding uncontrolled intersections. I pulled the RMV drivers manual up on my laptop and read the pertinent section from chapter 4, verbatim. Officer MacNamara pulled out his copy of the manual and confirmed that a stop is not required. Imagine that, a cop and retired cop, didn't know the rules of the road. This changed the tone of the discussion from no big deal they have to stop anyways to does it make sense to stop cars when drivers can clearly see that it is safe to proceed.

The discussion at the public safety committee meeting also addressed the need to limit the installation of unnecessary signs. That's one of the overall objectives of the Manual of Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). That's by the way is where councilor Donnelly was coming from when he spoke about excessive and improper use of signs.

At the city council meeting, councilor Kaddy and mayor Mylott talked about using common sense when making these decisions. Beware when either Kaddy or Mylott makes reference to common sense it should be translated into, "I have no idea what I'm talking about but I've already made up my mind so please don't confuse me with facts."

The same MGL that grants authority to approve stop signs to the city council also requires that they follow the MUTCD. The manual includes requirements and recommendations. The requirements must be followed, no ifs and or buts. Recommendations are meant to provide flexibility to "traffic engineers" to use their expertise and experience to find the best solutions to a problem. Are councilors free to ignore the recommendations? What do you think?

Anyone notice that councilor Kaddy's request to make the temporary 4 way stop that had been installed for 90 days at Milk and Ellis 2 years ago made permanent was given leave to withdraw. Kaddy pushed two temporary 4 ways through in his last term Milk and Ellis was first in the spring of 2004 followed by Congress and Mrytle in the fall of 2004. Kaddy used his typical it's just common sense argument. Anyone care to check with the police department to find out how many accidents occurred at those two 4 ways while they were installed?

Still think stop signs petitions are much ado about nothing. Check out the tips about traffic engineering, courtesy of Monroe LA. Just click the TED TIPS link on the right.

BTW: In the US the average cost to install a stop sign is about $280.00.

Congratulations to councilors Tran, DiMartino, Connelly, and DiNatale for doing the right thing and voting against wasting our tax dollars.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Why this blog

I started this blog so I can post opinions about local politics and transportation issues. On transportation I'll focus on roads both local and highways, but I may also rant about the diversion of tax dollars (largely collected for roads through fuel taxes) from highways maintenance and construction to commuter rail and non-motorized transportation, aka rail trails.

I have occassionally written letters to the editor of the local "newspaper" but find it too limiting. The newspaper limits the length of letters to 300 words (unless they agree with your position), and limit to one per month. Worse the reserve the "right" to edit letters. So much for honest reporting.