Central MA Transportation

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Rails or Roads

Today 3/12/2006 the Telegram and Gazette ran two articles about the commute to Boston. One described the commute by rail the other by car leaving from the intermodal center using Rt 12 and Rt 2. Seemed to me the articles were written to highlight the benefits of using the train

Taking the train can be advantageous... if it goes where you need to be, but for most commuters it's impractical. For some, like me it doesnt go where you need to be, in my case Marlborough. For others, the train schedule doesn't match their schedule.

Is it appropriate to direct $300,000,000 to "upgrade" rail service to Fitchburg considering the current state of repair of our roads?

Do you think rail users would be willing to pay more than that $6 bargain fair and $2 parking to come up with the $300M for the upgrades?

What about that new parking garage? It's only half full most days. Am I the only one that doubts the garage can be maintained on so little revenue?


  • At 3/15/2006 09:26:00 PM, Blogger RupertKnickerbocker said…

    First, it is doubtful the Legislature would go along with a $300 million upgrade of the line should the MBTA Board of Directors decide to go ahead. Remember, that figure was presented during September, 2005 and is probably 10-15% greater now.
    Second, the tree huggers living along the line in Acton, Concord, Lincoln and Belmont have already announced their opposition. The MBTA Board does not want to become involved with another legal quagmire such as experienced with the Old Colony line to Hingham.
    Third, the $300 million does not include necessary improvements between Porter Sq. and North Station.
    4. The upgrade, if accomplished, will only take 22 minutes of the current schedule. That's a high price to pay for 22 minutes.

    $300 million is better spent improving RT 2, particularly removing the rotary in West Concord and the stop lights from Acton at the intersection with RT 27, the 5 stop lights in Concord and the 2 stop lights in Lincoln.

    The MART Garage is a bust and will remain a bust. Yet another architectural eyesore. It was built on the cheap and looks cheap. At least 1/3 of the current users are the result of the short capacity at the parking lot in No. Leominster. That will be corrected over the next 18 months.

    Given the current performance of commuter rail, which can be expected to continue, it is doubtful the line will retain the existing level of ridership

  • At 3/16/2006 07:15:00 PM, Blogger noway said…


    Obviously you read the articles.

    Regarding the Concord Rotary. Be careful what you wish for, you just may get it. The Drum Hill rotary was labeled one of the 10 most dangerous driving locations in the state. The rotary is now a fond memory for those that use the new bridges and traffic signals that replaced it. A recent news article (I believe in the Globe about 3-4 weeks ago) claims a 1/3 reduction in collisions there. Unfortunately the nature of the collisions is sending 50% more people to the hospital with more serious injuries.

    The Corcord Rotary certainly has its issues. Too many entry points, (6) including the gas station. Rotarys work well... When designed well.

    I agree with most of your points regarding the rail line upgrades. Except that, most of the money for upgrades like this come from the Federal Government, often through earmarks that can only be spent on the target project. The state would probably have to come up with matching funds but that is usually only 20% of the total. Politicians do not like to see earmarked moneys returned to the Feds to be redirected to some other state.

    I also think you'd be surprised that virtually every rail upgrade proposal made last year in MA was approved for CMAQ (Congestion Mitigation Air Quality) funding


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