Central MA Transportation

Friday, September 15, 2006

Commercial vs Residential

One of the questions asked at the Rt 12 meeting of the council on 12 September concerned the land on the west side of Rt 12 between Carey St and Old Leominster Rd situated roughly where the old Twin City Diner sat. Councilor Donnelly seemed to be suggesting that little spot of land might be put to use. Perhaps a small commercial properly. Councilor Kaddy followed that up with a comment that driving south on Rt 12 he noticed very few residential properties and that residents on Rt 12 would eventually realize that their property had more value as commercial property. Councilor Joseph took note and exception to councilor Kaddy's remark.

By my count between Bemis Rd and Rt 2, there are 17 residential properties in Fitchburg and 8 in Leominster on the west (southbound) side or Rt 12 and on the east (northbound) side the count is 10 in Leominster and 19 in Fitchburg.

Given that some councilors believe property values along Rt 12 will increase with the completion of the Rt 12 project do you suppose the expect us residential owners to PAY the state for taking the land. After all according to them our property will go up in value. More on that in the discussion on eminent domain.


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