Central MA Transportation

Monday, October 16, 2006

Rt 2 Overpass

Today the top story on page one of the S&E is Councilors call for Route 2 overpass The plan may have merit when it's considered that there's no east bound access between the Rt 31 exit and the South St / Merriam Ave exit.
Still it is disturbing that planning infrastructure to support develoment comes after the development. This shows a lack of long range planning or at least of an inability to adapt long range planning to changing needs.

I had initially planned to do an extensive writeup about the article and the process such a project would have to go through but it has gotten a lot of comment (from me as well) on Save Fitchburg Blog. And frankly even though a number of people seemed to be interested in the process I'm skeptical. So I'll leave it at the paragraph below and the new links I've added today.

So let's assume that you want to advance a project similar to the one in the article. To whom would you bring your ideas? Well you could bring it to your congressman and senators as well as your state represenative and state senator, and you should, they love being advocates for this type of stuff, because bringing home the bacon enhances their chances of getting reelecting in November. But ultimately the project has to go through the Regional Planning Organization. In the case of Fitchburg that's the MRPC. I've added two links to the MRPC and one to MassHwy for anyone that wants to do some research.

BTW: If you're truly interested in issues related to roads and traffic, or if this is your first visit here, I strongly recommend visiting the TED TIPs link (all the the TED TIPS apply here in Central Mass). Last but not least check the Roads Gone Wild article, see how good engineering can make roads safer while using few controls.


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